Friday, November 6, 2020

Top 20 Types Of Commenters

Here I will be Showing these types of commenters you almost always see in videos (warning alot)

1. The hater: OMG THIS IS SO TRASH you are like the worst youtuber iv ever seen. (or something)

2. The Person Who Cares: Hey you really shouldnt vanelize like that! People work for that place and its gonna be painful cleaning up that glass.

3. The person who agrees: Yeah you are really right! Donald trump shouldnt be president. Yeah they really should have used helicopters in the veitnam war more often.

4. The one who cant spell: hay yu can yuse comints to chat tu echothr.

5. The Guy/Lady who always talk: Hey guys you should see my youtube channel! It has got some wacky stuff! Plus I got a really funny dog so you should sub if you ever click on my profile pic! My dog his name is STEVE he likes to wear a tie and sing when I play my hermonica..

6: The Really Sad Person: Guys my friend just died... He was the best friend that could exist! R.I.P (on one)

7 The really negative guy: Hey its a really nice meteor shower but its a shame we will never see another one in a while  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

8 The Really Smart Guy: Hey did you know that the sreen actually dosent have a V on it. Its just these thing \ But shaped into a v so it looks like this \/.

9 The Guy Who Cares To Much: OMG IS HE OK?! I HOPE HE LIVE! 

10. The Really Scared Guy: This video is really scary! Im just gonna turn the volume down and read the comments It is gonna be better than watching this.

11. The girl who always says like: It was like the weirest thing like there was the dog and he was like standing there like "im gonna eat you!" and like I was so scared and so I stood there like "Just Stay STILL" and then he was just standing like "ITS A STAND OFF" then like someone was walking past like "OMG HE WONT STOP STARING AT HURRRRR" and like he was scared also like "wow I also need to stay here to".

12. The guy who wants you to see there youtube channel: Hey guys check out my youtube channel! It is amazing and it is just super cool. Like sub to my channel and you will have a good day!

13. The guy who alway likes comments + like: Yo I love this video so much all the comments are good and I liked almost every single comment and I have subbed to the channel, Liked the vid, And all the comments.

14. The one who writes like a gamer: hey guys i will be afk for a few minutes BRB!

15. The troller: Wow he is so trash. what do you get when you mix a gamer with tress? A WOODEN GAMER! XD LOSER

16. The Rich Guy: Hey your gonna regret putting me on youtube im gonna send mercenaries worth $200 000


18. The one who steals a certain comment and gets more likes: Original 100% shrek Thief HEY GUYS IM 100% SHREK

19. The one who acedentaly uses caps lock and comments. HEY I LOVE DOGS SO MUCH! I REALLY WANT A DOG WHEN IM OLDER

20. The guy who likes joke: Hey what did the dog say to the tree: Hey you got a hole-lot a-bark!